Monday, April 19, 2010

Hidden Faces

Hihihihi.... That's what I do when people keep asking me why I love taking pictures with face-off.
Sometimes I know they confusing whether it was me or not. Before this I always been known as a chubby person or in a mean words "GEMUK". So when I post my face-off it makes them wondering.

Living oversea with limited food here really can makes you loose weight. My Must food here is "instant noodles" and lots of vegetables. For the first few weeks I'm really get sick eating it. After a while I get used to it. Stay in the offshore when most of them is non-muslim is really hard. Sometimes they served pork & meat but as you know I'll never get to eat it. So I'll just take vegetables. But nowadays I'm so grateful they make improve when they knows how hard for me to get a food. So special packed food for me. Hehehe... That's a relief... The new things is I practiced pilates & yoga a lot here. Not like Malaysia people in Japan & Korean are really body conscious. So like it or not i must do it. But after that you'll addicted to it. It's really help you to slim down.

Actually the main reason why I don't post my face-inn picture is I'm not confident with myself. I just loved posed with my face-off. I think I'm pretty with my face-off. When you've faced like me you'll know how much insulted you get. But I'm so grateful not all of them like that. Just need a time to build my confidence after been insulted. So wait for me okay? Huhuhu...

The End

1 comment:

  1. hello there..come on be honest, dulu kite nak sgt kawan ngan awak sbb kite rase awak org pandai2 n awak best.,.tp kite plk yg slalu rendah diri n anggap kite xlayak kawan ngan sape..nasib baik jgk nazyra, ekin, nak kawan ngan kite..yg kite rase ikhlas la nak kawan ngan kite...yg lain2, kite rase mcm buat2 suke je kawan ngan kite huhu..but wuteva it is, awak skrg suda berjaye..bukan sume org tgk kite dr luar..awak kene bersyukur sgt2..tgk diri awak skrg..ramai yg bangge dgn kejayaan awak tau..hhihi.. *kite happy sbb ain sudi kawan ngan kite, kite sbnrnye cam bangge jugak la awak nak gak post2 kat wall kite, reply kite..huhu *malu kan ckp cmni?nak wat cmne dr dulu kite mmg cmni*..all da best to u ain..xyah pk ape org ckp pasal awk pasni tau..
