Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Missing Him

I don't know why suddenly I miss him... I just see a couple eating McDonald's ice-cream together. It's really bring back those memories. Wish I can turn back those time. I don't know if he was a blessed from God or what but he makes me happy even until his last day. Even I know we are not suitable for each other but we complete each other. Still remember how hard he try to comfort me and convince me to open up my heart and forget my old love even he knows I can't repay him as much as he loved me. Still remember his words "I don't expect to have a space in your heart cos I know it's full with others but you always have a big space in my heart". Seriously that's a really sincere words I heard from a men who see me different way from other people or maybe myself.

Honestly I'm still missing him every minute and seconds. Even I pretend to be happy and try to move on but his love still attached to me. One thing I regret is I never repay him back. Thats what people said appreciate what you have. Now I know what it really means. Oppa if you hear me just want to say thank you for exist in my life and loving me. Love & miss you....

I don't know if I'm too greedy or what. Seeing my "SECRETO AMOR" living happy with his love ones makes me so jealous and I wish it was me. But I always pray for him cos that's what I do for the past 6 years. Even deep in my heart my love for him still strong bit I know he'll never see me the way I want him to see. Hope he'll find his happiness..

I think I'm too emotional right now. So better I'm stop now..

The End

1 comment:

  1. uish da ade blog ek.......im following ur blog my dear hehe.........so dunt forget to become my follower as well kay >_<
